Scoop The Poop!
Posted on Apr 11th, 2021
Provided below is what the TVCA has tried to do over the last few years along the greenbelts/parks in Trailwood with respect to animal feces. Approximately 5 years ago, over 70 different piles of dog crap were counted on 1 day between Lake Village Dr. and Crystal Springs within 10 feet of the greenbelt. So, a plan was put in place to "cut the crap". TVCA ordered and installed (5) pet waste bag dispensers with signs along our greenbelts/parks. Due to the high density of dog owners in the Trailwood apartments, (3) of (5) dispensers were placed along or near Foster Elementary East boundary on TVCA property. The bags are refilled when possible by volunteers on the TVCA board. (The intent is not to supply bags to every dog walker in Trailwood on a daily basis, but in the rare event you forget to bring a bag along to take care of your pet, something will be there for you to use in order to be considerate to other residents in Trailwood.) At each dispenser, a sign is posted explaining to all the undesirable attributes of animal feces left unattended. These signs and dispensers have been vandalized/removed on more than 5 occasions, all being found/replaced in a timely manner. Approximately 2 years ago, a custom made stencil was created and the "Scoop the Poop" - Phase 2 was initiated. Stencils were painted on greenbelts at major points of ingress/egress to remind pet owners to be responsible for their pets since dogs don't have hands. Attached is a map: red dots for dispensers, yellow dots for signs/stencils and green dots for trash cans to more clearly show what has been done in this specific area. (Trash cans are not located next to the dispensers along Foster's boundary because some individuals were too lazy to walk to the dumpsters and would instead just place large bags of household trash in the trash cans, but that is for another discussion.) TVCA has gone above and beyond. Again, due to the high density of dog owners east of Foster Elementary, it would be prudent for more than just TVCA or KAM to contact management of the apartments, but for concerned residents of Trailwood and those directly impacted at Foster to also contact the Trailwood Apartments managers and corporate owners and voice your concerns (options on gold banner across top of page). TVCA has been aware of this situation for many years, takes steps on a weekly basis to address it throughout Trailwood, but more efforts are needed by MORE volunteers to help out YOUR community. Come to a TVCA meeting to see how you can become more involved and help "Cut the Crap!" on this or other matters.
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